Blog From the Desert: Tough as nails.

I’m talking about myself, not the course today, though it comes a close second. But hey hey we got 42km done and dusted!

Another stunning day – we ran though dunes and a fossil area (Denvy, you in particular would have loved to be here. Also, we get to see whale fossils in the long stage. Yes, I am rubbing it allll in.) The feet decided to throw a blister party today but I guess that is where the whole “Run With Your Head and Heart” part starts, eh?

The desert really teaches you how to give thanks for the small things, like a few seconds of shade from the sun or a little piece of mint candy. I have also never been this happy to get mist on my face in my life.

As it was in Antarctica, despite the stunning landscape out here it’s the people that really make the difference. Really have to commend all the doctors, volunteers, and everyone in the organising team. It makes a MASSIVE difference when you get into a checkpoint and people call you out by name or a doctor comes over to give you a pat on the back. In a race with 150 competitors it can’t be easy to learn everyone’s names but they really make the effort and go the extra mile.  I can’t tell you what an energy booster it is for all of us.

Ok keeping it short because there’s more adventure to be had tomorrow so need to sleeeeep. Thank you also for all your lovely emails – they moved me to tears (not very becoming, tearing up while rock ‘n roll is blasting in the cyber tent.)

You make every step of pain worthwhile.

Report back with more tomorrow!!

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